"Music gives a soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything" Plato.
This retreat will provide a space for the power of music to nourish our spirit and connect with God in and through the beauty of Sound, Song and Silence. Drawing from the wisdom of the Celtic Christian Story and other musical traditions, we will journey to the ‘well of our own hearts’ taking time to listen, sing, reflect and create.
The retreat will comprise of inputs as well as time to rest, walk, pray, and become aware of sounds waiting to be heard in the deeper silence.
“Music is capable of opening minds and hearts to the dimension of the spirit that leads people to lift up their gaze to the Most High, to open themselves to the absolute Good and Beauty whose ultimate source is in God.” St Benedict
This retreat will be facilitated by Deirdre Ni Chinneide and Deirdre Rowe. Deirdre Ni Chinneide lives on the Aran Islands and facilitates workshops and retreats throughout the world. She is a composer and singer of spiritual music and has recorded two albums – Celtic Passage and I will sing for you. Deirdre Rowe is a member of the St Beuno’s Spirituality Team where she regularly leads retreats and courses. She is a music graduate and has a particular interest in music and spirituality.
The retreat will include the following inputs.
· Celtic Spirituality as a Journey to the Well
· Bach’s Cantatas and Prayer
· Soul Sound, Music as a Language of the Heart
· A musical journey through the Spiritual Exercises
· Prayer through Music
· Images from the Bible through Music