Our history

St Beuno’s was built in 1848 as a theology faculty which prepared men to be ordained as Jesuits. Over two hundred Jesuit priests were ordained in the House Chapel!

In 1926, St Beuno’s ceased to be a theology faculty and became an infirmary for elderly Jesuits, but continued to train men in their final year of training for Jesuit ordination.

In the 1970s, there were great developments in spirituality work of the Jesuits and more and more retreats were given individually, including the Spiritual Exercises. Then, St Beuno’s became what it is today, a retreat house and spirituality centre.

Discover our history

Who’s who

The Management Team

Ruth Holgate
Tim McEvoy & Alex Harrod
Deputy Directors
Tom McGuinness SJ
Superior of the Jesuit Community
Elena Eeles
Finance Manager

Vivienne Davies-Quarrell
House Manager

The Retreat Team

The retreats and courses are given by a diverse group of spiritual directors and trainers. As well as the resident team, we are often joined by other trained practitioners to deliver the programme.

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