I stood before your statue

Studying your face and your posture

In the December light

Eyes gazing heavenwards

Undisturbed regular features

Hands together in perfect peace.


And I could not help feeling a gulf

Between me and the woman I watched

I thought: how could you relate to me

And I – to you?


Yet I stood there still as the dusk fell

And the shadows began to move across your face

That part of the winter nature

That makes everything look less certain.

And then I saw it

A movement under your chin

So clear despite the fading light

You swallowed a lump in your throat.


And in that place

You let me see you in the times

When your pregnancy astounded Joseph  

When you had to flee to Egypt

When Joseph died

When Jesus was dying.


I stood there transfixed

As the darkness enveloped us both

And as we both swallowed a lump

I no longer felt the gulf.